Mad at Mommy

There’s nothing quite like an angry rabbit. There’s also nothing harder to illustrate than all the emotions that a kid, (or bunny) has when he is mad at this mom. Komako Sakai has written and illustrated a book that tells the universal story of a kid’s frustration with his mom, or dad—and the ultimate threat to leave home for a better life. Having cast bunnies in the roles, this book is far more fun and accessible than would be with humans. Komako has captured pouting, ignoring, demanding, whining, disbelieving and just plain ticked off with masterful paintings using a subtle palette and confident brushstrokes. With two little eyes, a spot for a nose, an inverted ‘Y’ for a mouth, and two expressive ears—you get all the info you need to empathize with this little child/mammal. Mad at Mommy is as artful and attractive as it is sweet and sincere. It’s bound to give any parent pause to think about those sulky looks from their kid.


The Gift


How The Grinch Stole Christmas